Feb 25, 2021
Cootdog and Katherine Ramirez are musicians and most commonly known as the driving force and lead singers of the Mystic Roots Band. We sat down with them and their kids in their home in Chico CA for a great conversation about life and all its things!
Feb 18, 2021
Chris Edwards is a Brazilian Jiu Jitsu artist, a UPS driver, a father, husband and all around badass. Join us for an inspiring conversation about passion, community, goals, motivation and much more!
Feb 11, 2021
Like it or not we invited our girlfriends on the show this week in honor of Valentines Day or something. Lots of laughs and embarrassing stories on this one!
Feb 4, 2021
Join us as we talk with Amanda Shaw about her experience with breast implants and the illness she faced because of them. We talk about vanity, self image, the roll social media plays in it all and much more! Join us for this very cool discussion!